TDFM 136B Series Software
The Technisonic TDFM-136B is a Project 25 U.S. Forest Service compliant airborne VHF/FM transceiver. Providing digital or conventional analog FM communications on every currently available channel from 136 to 174 MHz within the VHF/FM band. The new 136B has been designed from the ground up with your forestry mission in mind as a drop-in replacement for existing Technisonic and NPX radio sets.
TDFM-136B Software Upgrade August 2021 V1.7.3
This SW (software) upgrade is for the TDFM-136B radios.
This field software upgrade package comprises of the following parts:
- Main MCU SW V1.7.3 (All radios)
- RF Module Software Image V0.74.004 (Radios Version 1.7.1 or Older)
Upgrade instructions and factory documents are included in the SW bundle for returning units to service after the upgrades are complete. See the software release notes for specifics.