Forest fires are some of the largest natural disasters in our history, and fighting them can mean thousands of men, all working together, in this situation Communication and coordination is Key, that why Technisonic began over 20 years ago with the purpose built TFM 138, today while technology has changed, Technisonics commitment to the USFS and its airborne firefighting efforts has not.
That’s why Technisonic has more forest service certified airborne radios than any other manufacturer. Whether you’re a contractor, or contributor, we have the right solution for you, From the TDFM-136B to the TDFM-9300 check out all the certified solutions available only from Technisonic.

Forestry Approved Products
Contact Us
240 Traders Blvd
Mississauga ON Canada
L47 1W7
(905) 890-2113
(905) 890-5338
Dir. Federal / Military/ OEM Sales & Programs
Jim Huddock / (612) 231-9020
Sales Manager
Mike Hradil / (905) 890-2113 Ext. 216