Forestry Mode
Available on the TDFM-9000, Forestry Mode addresses the space installation challenges in the cockpit and airframe associated with updated USFS communications requirements.
Forestry Mode is an advanced software / hardware interface combination which allows the TDFM-9000 to operate as either 2 or 3 distinct approved Forestry radios. The USFS requires radios to have defined main and guard capabilities, by utilizing the TDFM-9000’s transceiver 4 or 6 VHF module capacity, in forestry mode, these modules are paired into Main and Guard functions. Main and guard antenna ports are switched via the newly developed ASU-9000 to a single antenna for each pairing, requiring only 3 antennas in a full 6-module installation rather than 6. Mic, Audio and PTT lines are also combined such that only 3 positions are required on the audio panel. Resulting in both significant cockpit, airframe space, and weight savings.

Forestry Mode Builds
Available equivalent to (2 or 3) TDFM-136B Forestry Radio’s
- Each module is P25 compliant, Conventional operation
- Each Module supports Front Panel Programming
- 4.5 inches vs. 9.0 inches of panel space
- Available in NVG or Non-NVG
- Forestry Mode requires the New ASU-9000
- Forest Service Approved
ASU-9000 Antenna Switching Unit
The ASU-9000 combines both the Antenna connections as well as the Audio / Mic/ PTT connections of each Main Guard paring on the TDFM-9000
By Acting as switch, the ASU limits both Antennas, and audio positions to either 2 or 3 dependent upon the configuration of the TDFM. Minimizing Antenna and Audio positions required. All while saving precious panel space.

Contact Us
240 Traders Blvd
Mississauga ON Canada
L47 1W7
(905) 890-2113
(905) 890-5338
Dir. Federal / Military/ OEM Sales & Programs
Jim Huddock / (612) 231-9020
Sales Manager
Mike Hradil / (905) 890-2113 Ext. 216
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