Law Enforcement
Airborne Law enforcement officers have one of the most challenging positions in aviation, and the ability to communicate effectively and reliably is paramount. That is why Technisonic has further developed its industry leading You design It, we build it process into the new highly scalable TDFM-9000 series radios, allowing every department to develop its own Mission Specific radio. From the simple to the complex, Technisonic can build the right radio for your mission.
From New York to California, Minnesota to Texas, State, County and Local Law Enforcement have learned to count on Technisonic to provide the clear, reliable communications they depend upon. Whether you’re operating a Robbie or Pilatus, Technisonic has both the audio and radio solutions to meet your mission, all while providing the best support in the industry.
Shown is the Industry TDFM-9000 with 6 active All-Band P25 modules, also shown is the TDAP-650 Bluetooth enabled Audio Panel. Learn more about our most popular law enforcement product offerings by clicking the buttons below.

Contact Us
240 Traders Blvd
Mississauga ON Canada
L47 1W7
(905) 890-2113
(905) 890-5338
Dir. Federal / Military/ OEM Sales & Programs
Jim Huddock / (612) 231-9020
Sales Manager
Mike Hradil / (905) 890-2113 Ext. 216
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Technisonic Communications