The Technisonic RC-500 remote control head provides for remote slaved operation of the TFM-500 dual band transceiver while the RC-550 remote control head provides the same function for the TFM-550 three band transceiver.

These microprocessor controlled remotes allow for a second person at a location other than the flight deck to exercise frequency control or editing of any or all of the memory positions available in the transceiver.
Data transfer between transceiver and remote is at 9600 baud via a three wire RS-232 serial interface. Both RC-500 and RC-550 are available with red or green display (green standard) and 28 VDC or 5.0 VDC backlighting (28 VDC standard). Operating voltage is 28 VDC at 1.0 Amp max.
The RC-500 and RC-550 weigh just 1 lb. and require less than 2 inches (mounting depth) behind the standard 5.75 in. (W) by 3.0 in. (H) Dzus mounted panel.
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