TDFM-600/600 Type II
Discontinued due to obsolescence and unavailability of parts.
Technisonic TDFM-600/6000 Type II series multiband transceivers are Project 25 compliant. They function in conventional and trunked modes, they support digital and analog operation, and they support the functions and features of most Industry Standard Public Safety communications systems.
The TDFM-600 supports two transceiver modules which can be configured with any combination of the following: VHF (136 to 174 MHz), UHF Low Band ( 403 to 470 MHz), UHF High Band (450 to 512 MHz), and the 800 MHz Band.
The TDFM-6000 supports operation on any three of the above transceiver modules. It is possible to utilize two modules operating in the same band in either the TDFM-600 or TDFM-6000 series radios. The TDFM-600/6000 radio supports independent and simultaneous operation on all installed transceiver modules. Each of the modules can be fitted with optional features such as SmartNet/SMARTZONE trunking, DES-OFB, DES, or DVI encryption formats, and Multi-Key.

Discontinued Products
TDFM-600/6000 Type II
The TDFM-600/6000 series multiband transceivers are also available with type II modules in the following bands: VHF (138 to 174 MHz), UHF (380 to 470 MHz), and the 700/800 MHz Bands. Type II modules support SmartNet, SMARTZONE, and P25 trunking protocols on all of the available bands (extra cost option on VHF and UHF). In addition, encryption protocols such as AES and DES-OFB with P-25 OTAR and Multi-Key can be supplied as options.

These advanced P25 features ensure that the TDFM-600/6000 series II transceivers are compatible with modern FM land mobile systems utilizing the latest digital technology. All TDFM-600/6000 series transceivers are FCC and Industry Canada approved and are airworthiness approved and listed on Technisonic’s rotorcraft and fixed wing STCs.
The now available AMS-6000 Audio Mode Selector panel allows the separate modules within the TDFM-600/6000 transceiver to operate in “combined” or “separate” modes (via a single audio controller input position), and it supports simulcast as well as cross band repeat. A front panel connector on the AMS-6000 provides for PC programming and encryption key loading.
The TDFM-600/6000 transceivers must be programmed with Motorola CPS software. Additional options can be ordered to support operation within existing Motorola radio systems. Contact Technisonic sales department for further information.
Industry Canada (IC) and FCC approved. Airworthiness approved.
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